Saturday 26 June 2010

Will I ever be able to say...

Often life surprises you in many ways. You develope a habit, thinking that perhaps things will never change. Maybe this is it!

Then, the truth unveils... Leaving you stunned, speechless, wounded and utterly helpless. You search for comfort knowing that you've got no one but yourself. Looking around... Looking for familiar faces who'll probably understand yet knowing you could trust no one. At the end of the day, you only have yourself to count on.

As the day passes by, there you are, sitting all alone in the corner of your room, standing in the middle of the crowd, lost in your own thought, consoling yourself that everything will be alright, believing for just a moment that things will be alright before your mind tells you not to believe what you want to believe.

In the midst of all the misery, you finally saw a familiar hand. One you've forgotten. One you've left behind...

You recognized the hand of God.

Not knowing where to start, not knowing what to say, abased by yourself, knowing that you're unworthy for His hand, realizing that you are filthy and loathsome, you bow down for forgiveness, hating yourself every second of your life for asking too much and offering nothing in return. A despicable slave that you are!

And yet, He held His hand to you. He unleashed you from your misery. He showered you with love, overwhelmed your heart with joy and happiness but still offering nothing in return, on your part.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

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