Saturday 29 March 2008


TUESDAY, March 25, 2008 2.59AM

Keep telling myself to wake up from my dream, stop hoping for miracles and realize that the world is just as it should be. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is trying to convince yourself to accept the fact that u know deep down inside is the whole truth. For some reason its just too difficult to stop acting foolish and learn to accept reality.

Its true what they say, truth hurts.

The question is how do I live with that?

A friend of mine used to tell me that, some problems should just be left at that. No solution required. No need to formulate one, its just a waste of time. Like an antibiotic he said. When there’s a sickness u rely on antibiotics to do the job. So ure fine and healthy in no matter of time, but then, after some time a stronger antigen attack ur immune system. U become resistant to the previous antibiotic therefore u need a bigger dosage or another stronger antibiotic to do the job. So, the cycle continues. Is it ever ending?

This whole process has become very tiring after awhile. I used to rely on those antibiotics, as it is more convenient and easier for me. A mere human I am, how can I afford to ignore such luxury?

But after awhile, a sudden realization hit me…

How long am I letting myself trapped in this spiral of never ending dilemma?

Is it all worth it?

What happen to courage and confidence?

Maybe its time to move on. Its about time to prove that I can live without those antibiotics. They weren’t meant to last anyway.

I have to gather my confidence and strength. As difficult as it is, I must. Too much pride within me, now how can I stoop down that low?

Forget the antibiotics, its not worth it.

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