Wednesday 8 April 2009

and the story goes like this......

this is the day, the moment of truth. deep down, she had always known that she couldnt put off the dreaded moment forever. its bound to come sooner of later. its now or never! oh, what was i thinking?, she scolded herself. but she realised, there is no turning back. time was not on her side.

as she waited in agony for her turn, she looked at all the cars that came back to the station. some came back with the same driver and some came back with a different driver. in short, they didnt make it. oh, she thought, she had been there before. not once but twice. the public humiliation of having to walk through the crowd who was staring at her, or at least she thought they were all staring at her and saying, "ala, ciannyer ngan budak tu... dia fail exam tadi. aku nampak org JPJ tu yg drive balik. cian...." oh, the pain!! she told herself.

what about the driving instructor? she recalled the conversation she had with the woman a couple of days ago. "nanti, awak buatla muka kesian kat pegawai tu. cakapla kat dia, nanti awak dah tak sempat nak ambik ujian lagi. mana tau dia boleh kasi pass,"

man, the woman must have thought, "muka budak nie, sedih betul aku tengok. dah ambik 2 kali exam pun still ketaq2. hmm...nak kena bagi tips la cam nie.kalau tak, sampai aku berjanggut pun tak pas2 lg...haha...." (evil laugh!) oh, aku dikutuk!!

finally, it was her turn. she walked slowly towards the car. all the tension is making her jittery. before she realised it, she was already climbing into the car. she climbed slowly, gasping for breath. do this right, oh please do this right! she kept reminding herself. then, the officer got into the car.

so she started with the seatbelts, the rearview mirror, etc....(sorry for the 'etc' writer has forgotten the drill, its been ages!!) and next thing she knows she was already on her way out of the station, onto the road.

yes, she was very afraid... she was contemplating, should she do it? how is she suppose to do it? where should she start? oh man......this sucks! she told herself. at the same time she was trying to focus on her driving. she cant afford to fail, she thought. she had already spent her own pocket money on this! 350 bucks for-god-sake! that's a month worth of food!!! all of the sudden, the courage that she never knew she had within her took control. her mind, body and soul is

with no hesitation, the daredevil in her spoke, "encik, boleh tak tolong pass kan saya. saya dah 4kali ambik ujian nie. saya dah nak masuk matriks lepas nie. nanti dah tak sempat nak ambik ujian nie lagi.tolong la encik...tolongla..." she said, making the most pitiful face ever, spinning the tale of her sob story hoping that the officer would take notice.

the officer looked at her and said, "iye, saya cuba tolong. cuba drive baik2. tengok cermin.sekarang belok kanan, bagi signal dulu....pelan2..." in the end, the driving test became like another driving class for her and yes, for the first time after 3times taking the test, (walaupun dia cakap kat pegawai tu dah 4kali ambik test) she was the one who drove the car back to the station which of coz meant that she passed!! wow-eeeee, junior juice!!!!

but then, before leaving, the officer reminded her, "ha...nie saya bagi pass. kena practice lagi tau," dengan muka yang sedikit cuak, she nodded and left.....happily! for the first time, she was not walking the public shame coz well, she passed!! thats the most important thing!!

and with that, she walked happily to the office to inform them that she passed...

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