Tuesday 7 April 2009

Dr Kimot In the House!!!


kimah dah jadi doktor :D hehehehehe..............

okla, maybe im overly excited, but what the heck! my buddy is now officially a DOCTOR!!!

well for those u who have no idea how much that means well, lemme tell you this, it means everything!!! all the hard work for YEARS, which includes the sleepless nights, long hours of torture (by many people), continuous palpitations before and after examinations, aching legs (seriously, the hospital is already as big as it is and these doctors walk like they're in some walkathon or something! cepat gile!!! man, can they work those legs or what???!!) amongst other things has been paid off!! hahaha!!!

just the thought of it send chills down my spine!!

p/s: kimah, kau doakan aku pulak ok??? walaupun lama lagi nak grad....tp sentiasa jer dalam ketakutan :'(

pps: tomorrow got mid test for psych. still got tons of things to cover!!! *sob sob!!

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