Monday 17 May 2010

What am I suppose to say?

When people tell me that their parents have 6 cars parked at home, or their parents bought 8 houses straight or they have insurance worth 1mil USD and things like that, I seriously don't know how to respond. Its because, I can't imagine why you would want to tell these things to other people. What makes you think that people want to know anyway?

Okla, maybe some kaypohcees out there would want to know but you should know who you're talking to right? You don't tell these things to people u hardly know, what more to people you just met for the first time. Even if u know them, its not something you tell people unless you're in a situation where you are required to declare your properties or you come across a topic that is related; which is enough by just mentioning without further elaboration.

So when people say these things to me, my standard answers are, "oooh!", "great!", "good for you" and my last resort is "hehehehe" though I don't have any idea how that would apply to the conversation :(
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1 comment:

  1. can post comment now?? heheheheheh
    this should be fun~~
