so here goes....nothing fancy la...remember, its the SPIRIT that counts :))
cant help wondering if its inspired by the Majlis Sukan Sekolah Daerah (MSSD)
Goof balls have some sort of a higher plane connection, u know like an internal understanding, “hey, im goofy!” “OMG! That’s so freaky coz u know what?? Im no goofier than u are!” “oh, that’s so cool! Lets stay together in the same house!”
if uve read my previous entry then I guess this is like an extension of more ludicrous acts of these ‘idiotic breeds’…
ID1 and ID2 stays in the same house along with this other woman, who has finally showed her idiotic side but since she didn’t pissed me off as the other 2 did, (oh btw, im not pissed with ID2 anymore but ID1 sure annoys me like hell!) I don’t think she deserves to stand along side her 2 housemates.
You see, in my college we go by the block system. Basically, we study from Monday to Thursday and on Friday we have exam. That’s my routine every week for the past 5 months. So, for u people who kept asking me why I didn’t study during weekends like I used to, its actually because I’ve been slaving my ass off from Monday to Friday so its only natural for me to take the weekend off to keep my sanity by doing something more… rejuvenating. Hehe…
Back on track, so u see…we only have 4 days to cover topics that are being taught for 6 months in
So, this woman wanted to go back for the weekend coz she has a wedding to attend. She told everybody (not me la…coz I didn’t go to the hospital) that she intends to suggest to the lecturer to have the exam on Friday. La la la la la….finally everyone agreed including the lecturer to have it on Friday evening. Then, on Thursday morning, she came to my house in kain batik and t-shirts apparently, (as I was sleeping) asked my housemates to sokong her coz now, she wants to have it on Friday morning! Coz her bus is leaving Butterworth at 11am! Erm…please bear in mind that we are not even half way through the whole syllabus before mid sem at the moment. Can u imagine the situation here? We have so much to cover, not including the lectures we are ‘going’ to have later that day and we are suppose to cover all that in less than 24hours???
Is she freaking insane?????
So finally in the class, the lecturer asked us when we want to have our exam. Since everyone was reluctant to raise their hands obviously to avoid conflicts, we finally resolved to voting. Bersusah-payah la semua manusia dalam kelas tu mengeluarkan kertas just to vote…and the result was 9 votes Friday morning, 20 votes Friday evening and some mangkuk who did undi rosak…
Then suddenly I heard sobbing from behind. At that moment, I was like “….oh dear, here we go….”
This woman, was sobbing and sniffling (in front of the lecturer!) saying how unfair everything was. I, on the other hand was congratulating myself for having the honor to sit right in front of her just to listen to her whinging about how betrayed she was, how her friends happened NOT to be her true friends ya da ya da ya da!
“aku kecewa!!”
“kawan-kawan aku tak sokong aku!!”
Eh, hello! Use
The fact that she can ask all of this from us was like another conundrum altogether. Tak rasa malu ker sebab nak menyusahkan orang? Ah well, then again its not like she and her circle of friends are not known for that.
Personally, I have no patience for self-centered people. This is the problem when u keep pointing
To quote Admiral Adama “….all this has happened and it will happen again…”
No long before, I used to read an article about why we tend to treat strangers with such courteous, great manners and politeness but on the other hands, we treat our loved ones with rudeness, discourteous in other words, our manners towards them are simply loutish.
Its very funny don’t u think? When we are in presence of a total stranger say, in a plane and there is a man sitting next to u. U are on ur headphone watching a movie when this man started tapping your shoulder just to ask u where the washroom is. Of coz ure annoyed coz he’s interrupting
The problem is, u don’t realize ure doing this. Partly because u feel so close to them and u think, “Ah, its just
Same goes when u want to ask someone to do something for u. If that someone happens to be a stranger or just a mutual friend, maybe you would rather do it yourself than asking for help. But if it happens to someone significant, u’d go like , “hey, take that for me?” or “U do this, this and this. Oh ya, on your way out u do that too,”
And again, u don’t realize ure doing this. Ive done my share too im sure. But I always try to stop myself when I realize im doing this. The moment the realization pops up, I stop. Coz lets face it, regardless of who they are or what they are, the bottom line is they are mere humans. Humans have feelings. So the least u can do for them after all the things and crap they put up with u is to try
To quote Lynne Truss, being nice doesn’t cost u a dime (im paraphrasing) and its very hard to find anything that comes for free these days. So lets start with the people around us. Instead of answering them with a curt rejection note, dismissively and abruptly (so many, u name it!) lets be more hospitable, warm, welcoming, affable or maybe even try to be genial even when u feel like tearing some one alive. One of our biggest mistake is we tend to let our anger takes the best of us and we take it out on the people who are closest to us. In other words, ure driving them away from u. And let me tell u another fact about humans. Humans wont realize what they have lost until its gone…