Thursday, 29 May 2008

our t-shirt....

this is our t-shirt....our class monitor has gotten all 'semangated' and suggested for all of us to have our very own t-shirt, of coz for our batch only :)

so here goes....nothing fancy la...remember, its the SPIRIT that counts :))

this is the front view of the shirt....
cant help wondering if its inspired by the Majlis Sukan Sekolah Daerah (MSSD)

and thats my name...a bit weird la with the "DR." in front of it

and thats our motto in inspiring....
in other words, "indah khabar dari rupa.....campusnya.."


i must admit, of all the lecturers that came down to teach us, the department with the best lecturers so far is anesthesiology...they're so good that i actually have my ganong on my table over the weekend...hehe...thats quite an accomplishment for me :)

and we even took a class picture with Dr Hasanul Arifin....

recent update at 2.06pm:
fine, fine...since aniza pointed it out (sheesh woman!!) so the ganong is pretty much untouched on my right hand side but i, obviously am leaning towards my leftie for my lappie....happy?!?! think about it this way, i let the ganong get some fresh air...u know how stuffy it is in the locker?i kesian the book u see :(

Saturday, 24 May 2008


as i was surfing, i came across this issue on 'Allah' exclusivity for muslims. maybe its pretty old to comment on this but i realise that this polemic has been going on for a very long time and it looks like its never ending.

the first time i saw the usage of 'Allah' in Christianity was when i was studying in Medan. well, it was pretty shocking at first but that only last for like....5 minutes??!! all because of the sudden realization in me, "we are all one arent we? or at least we once were..."

dont get me wrong ya? i am a muslim and i have great believe in Islam. not only because i was taught on the essentials of becoming a true muslim but i understand the need for it and the logical reasons behind it.

personally, i agree with
Dan-yel about his understanding on the many, many religions in this world. metaphorically, its as if we are all heading to a big stadium only on different vehicles.

im not a very religious person myself but i think when we talk about the concept of 'Tuhan' or 'God' , for me who may not be very devoted to her religion but BELIEVES with all her heart that its true, I must be able to explain the basic concept of KETUHANAN.

i believe that there can only be ONE God in this entire universe. why u ask?

its simple...its like ruling a country. there can only be ONE government for every country and in every government, there can be only ONE ruler either a president or a prime minister. 2 person in the same position cannot rule together. we each have our own views and ideas as well as agendas. a ruler may have a cabinets to support his government and advisers to see him through but in the end all the decisions makings will fall unto his lap. its just the way it has to be...

same goes with Hinduism. in Hinduism they believe that there is only ONE God of a Supreme Being who possesses personality and worship Him or Her thus, as Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva or Shakti
depending on the sect.

in the Holy Quran it was stated clearly,Surah Yunus, Ayat 19,

[10:19] "
Mankind were but one community (i.e. on one religion - Islamic Monotheism), then they differed (later), and had not it been for a Word that went forth before from your Lord, it would have been settled between them regarding what they differed,"

if u study the history of Islam, Christian and Jew, u can see that all 3 religions come from the same root. we are all the ancestors of Abraham. in Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 87,

[01:87] "And indeed, We gave Musa (Moses) the Book and followed him up with a succession of Messengers. And We gave 'Iesa (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary), clear signs and supported him with Rah-ul-Qudus [Jibrael (Gabriel)]........."

what im trying to stress here is that, believe it or not, we are all praying to the same God and there is only ONE God and that is Allah. so, why the exclusivity?

being a muslim and a malay i understand where the paranoia comes from. yes, ive heard it all. we are afraid that it will be misleading so on and so forth...but at times i think this paranoia is clouding our judgements and by doing so, we have given the wrong impression to the non-muslims.

however, i would like differ on the perception that equates the name 'Allah' to a step towards idolatry. yes it is true that in Islam, we are against idolatry because we believe by creating an object as a symbol of God we tend to put it on the pedestal and this totally deviates from the nature of Allah. Allah adalah Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Mendengar. hence, there shouldn't be any object created to connect us to Allah.

the name Allah itself is not just a representation. its not just a terminology created by humans to represent The Almighty. i believe with all my heart that the name Allah comes from The Almighty Himself, not just an important terminology that comes from the human-created language of Arabic. the Holy Quran is one of the biggest miracle in the history of Islam and the biggest 'mukjizat' of Nabi Muhammad S.A.W and it comes from The Almighty Himself.

Surah Al-Imran, Ayat 164,

[03:164] "indeed Allah conferred a great favour on the believers when He sent among them a Messenger (Muhammad S.A.W) from among themselves, reciting unto them His versus (the Quran), and purifying them (from sins by their following him), and instructing
them (in) the Book (the Quran) and Al-Hikmah [the wisdom and the Sunnah of the Prophet (i.e his legal ways, statements, acts of worship, etc)], while before that they had been in manifest error"

so the name Allah is not just
adopted by Allah as a medium of communication between Him and His ummah through the Quran but it is a reference by The Almighty of Himself from His very own words. now, how can something that comes from God Himself can be referred to as a step towards idolatry?

i believe that we can make this country a better place if we put aside the paranoia and learn to give and take. i agree that this sense of 'ownership' of this being is leading us to nowhere. yes, we protect whats ours but at the same time we have to look at the pros and cons of every action that we take. if we dont take time to open our minds and look at things the way they do, then how can we expect them to understand us? think about it.....


Goof balls have some sort of a higher plane connection, u know like an internal understanding, “hey, im goofy!” “OMG! That’s so freaky coz u know what?? Im no goofier than u are!” “oh, that’s so cool! Lets stay together in the same house!”

if uve read my previous entry then I guess this is like an extension of more ludicrous acts of these ‘idiotic breeds’…

ID1 and ID2 stays in the same house along with this other woman, who has finally showed her idiotic side but since she didn’t pissed me off as the other 2 did, (oh btw, im not pissed with ID2 anymore but ID1 sure annoys me like hell!) I don’t think she deserves to stand along side her 2 housemates.

You see, in my college we go by the block system. Basically, we study from Monday to Thursday and on Friday we have exam. That’s my routine every week for the past 5 months. So, for u people who kept asking me why I didn’t study during weekends like I used to, its actually because I’ve been slaving my ass off from Monday to Friday so its only natural for me to take the weekend off to keep my sanity by doing something more… rejuvenating. Hehe…

Back on track, so u see…we only have 4 days to cover topics that are being taught for 6 months in medan so u can just imagine the loads we have to cover by Friday. Nak dijadikan cerita, last Monday was Wesak Day which means hol-li-day! So lecture for last week starts on Tuesday. According to the schedule, our exam was supposed to be on Saturday.

So, this woman wanted to go back for the weekend coz she has a wedding to attend. She told everybody (not me la…coz I didn’t go to the hospital) that she intends to suggest to the lecturer to have the exam on Friday. La la la la la….finally everyone agreed including the lecturer to have it on Friday evening. Then, on Thursday morning, she came to my house in kain batik and t-shirts apparently, (as I was sleeping) asked my housemates to sokong her coz now, she wants to have it on Friday morning! Coz her bus is leaving Butterworth at 11am! Erm…please bear in mind that we are not even half way through the whole syllabus before mid sem at the moment. Can u imagine the situation here? We have so much to cover, not including the lectures we are ‘going’ to have later that day and we are suppose to cover all that in less than 24hours???

Is she freaking insane?????

So finally in the class, the lecturer asked us when we want to have our exam. Since everyone was reluctant to raise their hands obviously to avoid conflicts, we finally resolved to voting. Bersusah-payah la semua manusia dalam kelas tu mengeluarkan kertas just to vote…and the result was 9 votes Friday morning, 20 votes Friday evening and some mangkuk who did undi rosak…

Then suddenly I heard sobbing from behind. At that moment, I was like “….oh dear, here we go….”

This woman, was sobbing and sniffling (in front of the lecturer!) saying how unfair everything was. I, on the other hand was congratulating myself for having the honor to sit right in front of her just to listen to her whinging about how betrayed she was, how her friends happened NOT to be her true friends ya da ya da ya da!

“aku kecewa!!”

“kawan-kawan aku tak sokong aku!!”

Eh, hello! Use ur brain la woman! If this involves life and death OR IF SHE IS THE ONE WHO IS GETTING MARRIED, then I don’t mind staying for extra class till 9pm and take my exam at 8am the following morning. The problem is, this woman wants to go back to be the ‘pengapit’ at her relative’s wedding. Why the hell do I want to sacrifice my paper for someone whos happily getting married while I end up ‘happily’ repeating my paper? To make it more absurd than it already has, apparently the wedding was on Saturday. So obviously she can just take the latter bus to KL then to Muar right? But she said no….u know why? Its because she wants to reach Muar early so she didn’t miss the chance to become ‘pengapit’ since she already has a tailor made baju for the wedding! so, I study macam nak mati in order for her to bergaya sakan tunjuk baju baru at a wedding?!?!?! How daft can this woman be?

The fact that she can ask all of this from us was like another conundrum altogether. Tak rasa malu ker sebab nak menyusahkan orang? Ah well, then again its not like she and her circle of friends are not known for that.

Personally, I have no patience for self-centered people. This is the problem when u keep pointing ur fingers to others. Someone told me, in a way she pity her. To me, I’d better save my pity for something or someone more deserving. Coz when I think about it again, I cant help but finding it pretty stupid that in a way its kind of amusing. Of coz this is not the last time its going to happen.

To quote Admiral Adama “….all this has happened and it will happen again…”

rise and shine!!

if theres something that ive learnt after using Digi GPRS for quite awhile is, never to ON ur browser if u dont have have sufficient credit. haih.....the hectic morning i had trying to reach the customer service and installing the browser all over again. thankfully the customer service were very much of help. otherwise i think id have to get up from my comfy bed (still wrapped in my blanket by the way...) to look for a Digi center on some mobile retailers near by. so yes, i love Digi and my motorola RZ V3i...hehe....

Monday, 19 May 2008


the last time i went to a funfair was years ago.back then during my UM (university of malaya) days, the 12th college had a funfair so my friends and i decided to go. it was fun, but i recall thinking that it was not as fun as the funfair at my kampung.

dulu, when my dearie grandmother was still alive we always balik kampung. biasanya, during weekends always ada funfair. i can still remember how kecoh we all were! belum pergi dah kecoh. yang nak pergi dah tentulah ramai...all the cousins and young aunties and uncles semestinya will go with their kids, yang paling tak larat havoc tu are the oldies la! yang warga emas pulak yang terover kecoh....bukannya apa pun, kecoh sebab nak kumpulkan lebih ramai 'batalion' nak serbu fun fair tu! and it was so much fun!! just all of us being there, enjoying the rides...those were the days i tell u!!

so last few weeks (sorry la...super late posting!) jaja and i decided to go to a funfair next to the highway (i do not know where it is exactly! dun ask me about the roads in penang! tak faham!) we've passed by the funfair several times but never really had the time to go. finally we got the time plus its holiday anyways so why not??

here are some of the pix we took at the funfair...

this was our first ride......UFO..
pening kepala!! and sakit badan too!!

yang nie, im not sure what the name was...but it was fun! very windy....yoooohooo!

this one, i seriously do not know what its called...but i know i like it la!
never miss any opportunity to get into it...

view taken from above....

this is the token....each token is RM1...hmmm...compared to my kampung days back then, nie sebenarnya quite mahal la....but then again, nak makan pun mahal nowaday..hehe...

and because we're so 'lucky', check out the only thing that we manage to 'win' that night...
>>>2 keychains...

Sunday, 18 May 2008


actually ive forgotten about this. thankfully i went to jaja's blog and saw here goes!

7 random facts about me:
2. my goal in life is to become the best surgeon the world has yet to see...
3. i hope in the next 20 years to come i will discover a new discovery that will change the
medical field and win meself a nobel prize at least...

4. so in order to achieve all that i study AT LEAST 15hours per day
5. i dont really eat nor sleep.....i just study
6. i spend my free time reading ganong, davidson, kumar & clark and oxford clinical medicine (i just love internal meds)
7. before i sleep i make sure i memorise at least 20words from the medical dictionary...only then will i have my beauty sleep.....

7 things that scares me:
1. spending less than 15hours a day for study
2. failing my papers (just the thought of it...can send me straight to hell!!)
3. skipping lectures (why, thats totally absurd!!)
4. not able to answer questions thrown by the doctors (i must know everything!)
5. getting a B for any of my papers
6. not becoming a surgeon
7. not winning a nobel prize! muahahahaha!!

7 random music at the moment:

1. 5th symphony (beethoven)
2. blue danube (strauss)
3. willian tell overtue (rossini)
4. hungarian rhapsody no. 2 (liszt)
5. Piano Sonata No. 16 In C(mozart)
6. lullaby (brahms)
7. Romeo And Juliet Fantasy Overture Love Theme(Tchaikovsky)

7 things I say the most:
1. wheres my stethoscope?
2. next patient please...
3. yes...i will work harder
4.nobel i come! (the first thing i say in the morning)
5. study woman! study like theres no tomorrow!
6. yes, i know that!
7. work, work and work!!!!

7 things I treasure the most (material things):
1. my stethoscope
2. my clinical handbook
3. my notebooks
4. my lap top
5. my medical text books
6. my white coat
7. my collection of medical journals

7 "first time" things I ever did:
1. the first time i stepped foot in Rumah Sakit Adam Malik
2. the first time i used my stethoscope
3. the first patient i clerked
4. My first compliment from my doctor
5. My first time in operation theater
6. the first time i got an A or 100 for my exam
7. The first time i stepped foot in ACMS campus.....(it takes my breath away....)

7 people to do this:

1. not
2. planning

3. to
4. anyone
5. through
6. this
7. misery

hehe....if u have any idea who i am ;)

Take for granted

No long before, I used to read an article about why we tend to treat strangers with such courteous, great manners and politeness but on the other hands, we treat our loved ones with rudeness, discourteous in other words, our manners towards them are simply loutish.

Its very funny don’t u think? When we are in presence of a total stranger say, in a plane and there is a man sitting next to u. U are on ur headphone watching a movie when this man started tapping your shoulder just to ask u where the washroom is. Of coz ure annoyed coz he’s interrupting ur movie but u smile anyway and answer in full sentence, “hmm…I think its right at the back,” or “Sorry, I’m not sure about that. Why don’t u ask the steward over there?” But if the person interrupting is one of ur friend or someone significant to u, u tend to answer them tersely, “at the back.!” Or “Gee, I don’t know. Look for it urself!”

The problem is, u don’t realize ure doing this. Partly because u feel so close to them and u think, “Ah, its just Brandon. He’ll understand,” or u feel, hey, this is ur close friend, why the courteous and all?

Same goes when u want to ask someone to do something for u. If that someone happens to be a stranger or just a mutual friend, maybe you would rather do it yourself than asking for help. But if it happens to someone significant, u’d go like , “hey, take that for me?” or “U do this, this and this. Oh ya, on your way out u do that too,”

And again, u don’t realize ure doing this. Ive done my share too im sure. But I always try to stop myself when I realize im doing this. The moment the realization pops up, I stop. Coz lets face it, regardless of who they are or what they are, the bottom line is they are mere humans. Humans have feelings. So the least u can do for them after all the things and crap they put up with u is to try ur level best to appreciate them. If u can treat others nicely why don’t u treat them the same? Whats the harm in that?

To quote Lynne Truss, being nice doesn’t cost u a dime (im paraphrasing) and its very hard to find anything that comes for free these days. So lets start with the people around us. Instead of answering them with a curt rejection note, dismissively and abruptly (so many, u name it!) lets be more hospitable, warm, welcoming, affable or maybe even try to be genial even when u feel like tearing some one alive. One of our biggest mistake is we tend to let our anger takes the best of us and we take it out on the people who are closest to us. In other words, ure driving them away from u. And let me tell u another fact about humans. Humans wont realize what they have lost until its gone…

here in my home

have u heard of MAFU or known as malaysian artistes for unity? well, if u havent heard of it, its a very cool project by pete teo to make an anti-racism song and music video. 120 people involved voluntarily for this project...and the result is something for us to be proud of... so here is video clip by yasmin ahmad, here in my home...

believe it...or not!

for u people who doesnt know this small little fact, well let me break it up to u. i am a medical student. yes....that i am...

hard to believe? well, im still having the hardest time believing it myself. as u can see, i dont really blog about my life as a medical student. im trying to protect this blog against any medical terminology that would corrupt my blog as it has corrupted my life....haha...

its not that bad... it gets tough as it gets going, but hey u deal with it right? i guess like any other profession it has its good and bad, pros and cons. im not overly excited to become a doctor. like my friends, u can see their faces lit up as they talk about the things they saw in the operation theater, or the cases they saw in the ward, sometimes they'd talk about the doctors and nurses and god-knows-what-else (u see, normally the moment the topic comes up, i just turn deaf or slowly falls asleep) so technically, their lives evolves around the hospital and i think they like it fine and dandy :)

as for me....i would like to think that i am currently doing something that i have to do. i dont hate nor dislike what im doing. im not overly enthusiastic about it either. its just something that i have to do. i dont have to force myself to do it, i just do its just another day like every other day for me...

so life as a medical student....if u think its all books then i'd say ure totally right. we study so hard. we study day and night. 24 hours, 7 days a week is just not enough! so many things to read, so little time. sometimes its a miracle that we can spare some time to eat. normally we just eat bread or something thats easy to chew. we cant afford the luxury to glance at our food while we're eating. its just not possible! we dont use our beds as we dont sleep at night.normally we just crash on the study table after going through the notes and revising last semesters' notes (coz we dont want to forget stuff as we get going)...

which is why ACMS
dont bother providing a proper matress for us, coz they know we wont be using it! oh...they're so understanding (sungguh terharu memikirkannya).

we dont bother putting on make-ups or anything as harmless as foundation
but prefer walking around kepala batas looking like a bunch of zombies! as for entertainment, let me see....we go on-line during weekends to surf for latest medical journals, latest CMG (clinical medical guidelines) not only from malaysia but also from other countries....bravo! (thats why dr. fauzi is so proud of us!), we would google for more discoveries in medicine (u know, there are so many discoveries u have yet to know)...

sometimes we shed tears just thinking of the many, many news facts that we have yet to know. plus the thought of other people reading so
mething that we do not know at the moment, oh dear! cant help but to be kiasu!!

on the bright side, we look at it as something that drive us to study harder and be the best! we devote our lives to medicine....our lives, our pride, our joy and our every here are the evidences of our hard work at the klinik kesihatan last week...

at first we started as a group,

then we got ourselves a partner,

somehow we decided that it was very educating for us, we decided to do it personally,

so now u get the picture right?

Sunday, 11 May 2008

confession of a 'not so' teenage girl

one thing u should know about me is that.......i dont like going to class. if i can avoid it, i will try every means to avoid it...

so whats my problem exactly?

gee....i dont know! i just dont like going to class. PERIOD!

its not like i hate it, sometimes i look forward to it. but in the end, somehow one way or another i end up sleeping at the back of the class or if im awake, i'll be talking to my friends and ended up making so much noise that someone will get thrown out of the class. teringat when jaja and ivan got thrown out of class by datten bangun....because of me! *sob, sob!! i shed tear whenever i think about it...its too depressing!! haha....yeah right!

during LAN class...i was so bored that i started shredding paper!

evidence of my hard work....

come to think about it, in medan i dont really go to class. maybe i'll go like once or twice a week just for the sake of going or u know how some lecturers love to call names or check the attendance? yeah.....but there are times (many, many times actually) when my name got called and i wasnt in class and the annoying part is when my friend told me with such a drama as if the lecturer was in flaming temper, and that he was so close to explode

and all this because i was absent. u think i dont know what they are trying to pull on me? im not stupid! they're to scare me for not coming to class, thats why!

i know im suppose to go to class but i chose not to. so should anything happen prior to my decision, i must take full responsibility for my action.
have i gotten into trouble before? of coz la! numerous times in fact! the most unforgettable one was with pak dedi...i was sooo ready to repeat my physiology! but thank god, i passed!!

so back to class, there was this one time i was so bored and i cant sleep! so u know what i did???

yes! i started doing my part-time job camwhoring!!!
-we've all done things that we're not proud of u know!-

or, better yet i get the president of The Camwhore Association to ber-camwhore together-gether! at least shes doing something other than sleeping!

admit it jaja....its in ur blood!

sometimes, the secretary will tag along...

...jam 'team rocket' pun nak tag along ker??...

as u can see...we even recruit new member!

even the ones who didnt realise that they were being recruited like 'Datin I' yg busy ber-sms over there...

see how hardworking we are in class?

considering the amount of hardwork we put in class....its amazing if we didnt pass with flying colours dont u think??


if i say 'faizal tahir' whats the first thing that come to ur mind??

the 'buka baju incident' right??!!

hehe...well, ive always liked him. he is what i can say as 'something fresh' in the industry. not only do i like his music, i think he has originality; something that the newbies in the local scene are lacking off. but most importantly, he is not pretentious. people might not like it....but hey, we are what we are right?

anyways the man is back after 3 months 'gardening' (sorryla, but i saw a pix of him planting a tree or something as a part of the social work he had to do) and he is ready to kick ass! he won many, many awards in APM and AIM recently i think it should make up for the Juara Lagu finals that he missed earlier this year. although i can so imagine him banging his head against the wall after hearing Mahakarya Cinta being butchered during the finals the other day..hehe....

so here is his first TV appearance after coming out from 'detention' (back to school are we??!!) in the Anugerah Planet Muzik recently. i thought the performance was good from the very beginning until he started singing the last verse i just couldnt stop laughing after that....he is indeed one wacky dude!!!

Saturday, 10 May 2008

SoCiAL NeTWorKinG vs Me

ladies and gentlemen,

before we go in-depth, lets talk about social networking....what is social networking? here is a video that will explain to you what is called 'social networking' in plain english...

so u can see how social networking has been a phenomenon throughout the world.its no longer just an interest of a certain group of people. nowadays, it has become somewhat a necessity. almost everyone i know joins at least one social network. sometimes i think in a way its like ur ID tag. in the era of stone age, people get to know each other through friends and family. so ur circle of friends are very limited. now, with social networks u can have friends from another continent, across the sea, to another part of earth! thats how powerful social network is!

it is so powerful that if u meet someone who doesnt have a friendster or a facebook at least, u go like,? huh?? are u kidding me??? why is that so?

for some people, they believe that these networks are so important, its almost like a resume...u will always think of something impressive to put in your resume right? so they pimp their page, upload the best pictures in their photos gallery (when i say best, i mean photo shop edited ya!!), invite friends, add more and more friends etc, etc......and the result?? there u have a pimped page with so many happening people (which half of them uve never even met!)

even my friends here, every time they take pictures, they'll go like, "posing cantik-cantik! nie nak masuk dalam friendster..." and if the picture happens to be real nice, they go, "eh...cantiknya muka aku kat sini! nak! nak!" then at the other end you'll hear, "ala, nampak banyak jerawat!nanti malam nak edit gambar!" u think thats bad? wait till u hear noises from the back of the crowd, "muka aku tak cantik kat gambar nie! nak tangkap lagi sekali!!!" uh-oh! :(

one thing not mentioned in the video is that, social networks are indeed a very good source for gossip mongers...everybody knows about everybodys businesses. who is going out with who, who breaks up with who, who is marrying who, who is fighting with cut long story short, metaphorically its like surfing the net for materials to put into ur project, in this case its more like materials for the next gossip session.

and im telling u, it amazes me how much time they spend on these networks. like me for example, many asked me; what do i do when i go online? well, i love reading blogs, check out latest vids on you tube, listen to music and maybe download some tracks, catch up on the latest news around the globe, maybe even take quizzes. so u can see that i have many windows on my screen at one time. but some of my friends, they dont do anything else other than viewing peoples page on friendster or facebook. there is only one window open! even if they have a few windows open at the same time, its from the same network only on different people! kay-poh-cee i tell u!

as for me, im looking at social networks as something that i should just have. is it important? to me personally, no. but why do i have it? okay, this may sound very groupie but what the heck! i have it coz everyone else has it! there u go....

i have a friendster and a facebook. of coz there are many, many others like my space, hi5 and god-knows-what! ive gotten many invitations to join these networks but i decline most of it. u see, i dont really go out of my way to talk to other people unless i have to. im not being arrogant or ignorant, its just not my nature to be overly a people person unless i consider them friends or im in a situation that calls for desperate measure. even with people i consider friends, i dont talk to them often. does it mean i dont think they are significant? of coz not! not talking doesnt mean not caring. i care for them. its just that im occupied with other things in life that maybe i cant send them testimonials all the time. but the bottom line is, I CARE...

since ive got many complaints from my friends who kutuk my facebook and friendster (so kesian, they actually sent an email, calling me back to friendster) i decided to spend almost the whole day facebooking (yes, it has become a verb now!)

gosh, i dont know how they do it! its so tiring! and u know one thing about facebook, so many notifications! i almost fell off my chair when i saw 368 notifications!!!!! in the end, after hours and hours of hard work i still have 68 notifications left. i just gave up and logged out. i guess it'll take sometime for me to log in to facebook again...

so if people spend hours facebooking, understandable la....but hours on friendster?!?! nak buat apa???!!!! still tak faham!

Thursday, 1 May 2008

a day at queensbay mall

i spent a day at queensbay mall the other day with aniza (a.k.a jaja-kinokun). since we're getting sick and tired of gurney, we decided to go to queensbay for a change, plus we wanted to eat sushi and what a better place that serves goo-ood sushi than sakae sushi :) of coz, there are other places like sushi king and cold storage (ehem..ehem....!) but sakae sushi rawks!

its a well known fact that im on a supposedly-strict-diet (especially after meeting my dietitian) so i decided to indulge myself with my fav sushi eventhough ive had 10 PLATES of sushi last weekend in KL! haha...... jaja brought along her brand new canon camera, so we decided to try it for the first time....

got many pictures in this posting okay?!?! dun pray-pray!!!

evidence of how much we're indulging ourselves *wink,wink!

jaja-kinokun, posing with food....and she calls me the camwhore....*sigh

after we're done indulging ourselves, we went to the cinema to watch 'forbidden kingdom'...

i think its okayla....not totally awed by it, but i think its unique in a way. for the first time, 2 big names in Hong Kong, jackie chan and jet li stars together in a movie.i thought the storyline is very unique. the idea comes from the story of the 'monkey king' and that is, the 'journey to the west'. and we all know the monkey king right? i used to lurvee journey to the west so much, that sometimes i skipped tuition just so that i dont miss any of the episodes... that is why u can see the collision of 2 different parts of the world, from a dream of a young teenager in the urban Boston city to the ancient China where he meets Lu Yan, the drunken immortal (jackie chan) and the silent monk who is a magical human created by the Monkey King prior to his imprisonment (jet li)...and the story goes on and on....

enough with the sinopsis, after the movie we decided to walk around the mall. we came across a model search or something like that. i took some photos but since im on dial up at the moment and its acting out right now so, im lazy to upload them.

of coz, by then it was already dinner time. not that hungry actually but we are at the mall anyway right? might as well eat...hehe...just another reason for us to eat...

the next place chosen was...

say it again...PASTASIA!

hehe....never heard of the place before so we decided to give it a try. its a restaurant the combines italian and siamese cuisine. that explains the name past-A-sia...get it??

but lo and behold, notice something interesting?

check out the spoon!! hehehe.....okay, sorry if im being jakun but oh dear lord! the spoon is so huge! it looks like an ice-cream scoop! hehe....but sadly none of the dishes we ordered required us to use the spoon...thats okay, next time then :)

after we had our dinner, that was almost 9.30pm so we decided to head back home. but before that, sempat lagi snap some camwhore shots in the car....

jaja-kin's expression reminds me of the fair & lovely commercial...
u know, they have the before & after pictures? haha....jaja's definitely the 'before' picture! muahahaha! im evil!!!

AND THE FINAL TOUCH.....................

HAHAHA.......we are so lame!!!hehehe.....